Set against the enchanting backdrop of 1960’s Brooklyn, Extra Innings tells the true life story of a young child who is caught between pursuing his dream of baseball while also staying devoted to his faith and Syrian Jewish family afflicted with mental illness.
Making of Sizzle Reel for Film Financing
Actor Mara Kassin remembers the simple scenes
Actress Natasha Coppola-Shalom speaks about
her experience playing Rita
Dr Dan Reidenberg of SAVE, Suicide Awareness Voices of Education, shares his feeling about the film. SAVE acted as a fiscal sponsor for Extra Innings
Director of Photography Luigi Benvisto speaks to his attraction to the film
Actor Ed Bergtold describes his experience playing the Coach of The Bonnies
Actor Robby Ramos who plays Morris talks about his personal connection to the subject matter
Actor Alex Walton describes the character of David