“ Well, that was intense… It’s a moving coming of age story. Old ways vs. new ways-- so many universal themes and conflicts. Heart Wrenching. Thank you so much for sharing it with me-- I feel honored that you trusted me with this. I need to mull it over for a bit, let it all sink in. More soon.”
-Sandra Wilcoxon,
Chief Executive Officer of Recovery International
“ Your film sounds as heartfelt as it is interesting and it touches on so many of the themes our agencies contend with on a daily basis.”
-Lisa S.,
Chief Program Director of Network of Jewish Service Agencies
“The issues addressed in your film are critical, very important and it looks like a beautiful and meaningful film.”
-Jay Kotowski,
American Jewish World Service
“Thank you for your dedication to helping increase awareness.”
-Dawn Doherty,
Executive Director at The Society for the Prevention of Teen Suicide
“The issues addressed in your film are critical, very important and it looks like a beautiful and meaningful film.”
-Jay Kotowski,
American Jewish World Service
“a wonderful film on a very important issue.”
-Lauren Gleason,
Director of Media and External Affairs at World Wild Fun from NAMI
“ It is important and necessary to help move the mental health conversation to a more accurate place.” “ incredible”
-Etan Neiman,
Director of Operations and CPA at Refuat Hanefesh
“We were deeply moved by your story and inspired by your efforts to help others through this film”
-Gussie Foshay-Rothfeld
Director of Communications at The Jed Foundation
“a labor of love and I am sure that it will resonate with many.”
Katrina Gay,
National Director of Strategic Partnership at NAMI
“wonderful and very powerful.”
-Lise Bram,
Deputy Executive Director at The Anxiety and Depression Association of America
“what a powerful and beautifully done piece.”
Jina Carvalho
Director of Communications and Public Relations at The Glendon Association
“I found the film to be very moving and beautiful visually”
-Howard Blas,
Director of the National Ramah Tikvah Network of the National Ramah Commission
“Your film is devastatingly good and incredibly well done!”
-Steven Ryan
Senior Director of Development at The Mental Health Association of Essex and Morris County
“I am absolutely speechless. Thank you for this gift.”, “poignant work of art.” “Your movie deserves to be in the community. It really touched my heart. What I love about your movie’s ending is that it is of hope and resiliency. Not many films end that way.”
-Tina Lee,
Community Education and Outreach Manager at NAMI-NYS
“You have created a beautiful memoir in this film and it was a privilege to be able to watch it. Thank you.”
-Alan Halpern
Executive Director and Cantorial Soloist at Temple Israel, Dayton, OH, from Congregation Har HaShem
“it is quite a powerful film.”
-Judy Yailen,
Director of Jewish Family Life at New Orleans JCC
“a powerful and valuable film and tribute to Albert’s family... I could tell the room was touched by an important topic. And we got to get a glimpse into and celebrate Mara as an actor.” Rabbi Daniel Schweber, Temple Israel of Great Neck
“Our chairs loved the film”
-Susan Gundersheim,
Cultural Arts Director and CJFF Director at Sandra and Leon Levine JCC
“Congratulations on a well made movie which stirred so many emotional elements. The diversity of music was wonderful,, great casting , as the story riveting from tragedy to triumph . There is so much to talk about, conflicts, heartbreaks, human mistakes, mental health conflicts, blocked emotions, ,painful job of parenting, unspoken voids and fears, and rage. How children need resources in growing up ,, healthy conversations, support systems, self care, our Jewish religion and what the goal of family and unity plays,,,”
-Gem Suslovich
Founder of Gem’s Film Salon
“...how beautifully the film portrayed family dynamics in the face of mental illness and suicide... This was exquisitely depicted in the movie.”
Phyllis Cohen
“very impressed!” “powerful that will both inspire and disconcert.”
-Jeffrey Gale
Rabbi at Hebrew Tabernacle
“I was very moved.” “Your movie seems like a wonderful vehicle [for mental health awareness]”
-Rabbi Laurence
Serbert of Town and Village Synagogue
“Loved it” “Really well directed and edited.”
-Marty Appel
Executive at American Public Relations and Sports Managment
“A wonderful movie. There are so many aspects to this film. There is the representation of jewish life. There is baseball. There is a love for a brother and a sister who are mentally ill. There is a coming of age. There is family.”
-Bonnie Schneider
“Wonderful! ...absolutely loved...well done”
-Patty Allen
“Wow what a powerful and poignant movie. Good for you for sharing your story and for being a mental health advocate...brave and compassionate”
-Janett Edelberg
-Toni Rios
Congregation Shir Ha-Ma'alot (CA)
-Matt Futterman
Interim Senior Rabbi at Temple Israel Center
“powerful and valuable film”
-Daniel Schweber
Associate Rabbi at Temple Israel
“very poignant and important film”
-Naomi Dani
Managing Editor at Lilith Magazine
“Great! A wonderful story.”
-Rabbi Jay Stein
Greenburgh Hebrew Center
“very powerful piece of work on an important topic that does not get enough attention”
-Rabbi Ari Saks
Huntington Jewish Center
“I was really moved watching the film last week. It was a touching story about complicated family dynamics that are real for most families but are never talked about. It is a good film to help start a conversation about mental illness and suicide.”
-Dr. Dan Reidenberg,
Executive Director at Suicide Awareness Voices of Education
“moved and absorbed”
-Elaine Soffer
Mental Health Initiative at Hillcrest Jewish Center
“This film addresses many universal themes as well as the tragedy of mental illness in a very authentic humanistic way. The strong pull of baseball providing an insular cocoon as well as a springboard to the wider world is displayed in many nuanced ways. The film touches us on so many levels. It's is a sweet courageous undertaking in the hope of helping others, that is the positive message of this family tragedy. For a segment of boys and young men whose families and especially their father's were perhaps emotionally and or physically absent or over bearing, baseball provided an outlet of expression that was a safe respite from the tensions of the world. Baseball filled the void to find one's self, and to develop a strong sense of purpose. It was a place to strive and pour all of yourself into something bigger and broader than yourself, often at a tender impressionistic age. It was a place to fit in that felt right. The film is deep and wide enough to touch the compassion and sadness in us all, thereby bringing us all a little closer. Many timeless themes are captured and depicted using baseball as a backdrop in this film. Showing a boy and young man that transcended the enormous tragedy of mental illness is just one aspect of this much more encompassing story.”
-Mark Shoenfield
"I look forward to the opportunity to see this film and will encourage our members to do so as well."
-Prof Roy Abraham Kallivayalil
Secretary General, World Psychiatric Association
“Your contribution to this event reflects your personal commitment to mental health awareness and social psychiatry's public service role. I look forward to the opportunity to see this film and will encourage our members to do so as well.”
-Vincenzo Di Nicola
MPhil, MD, PhD, FRCPC, DFAPA Chef de pédopsychiatrie, IUSMM Chief of Child Psychiatry, Montreal University Institute of Mental Health Professeur titulaire, Département de psychiatrie et d'addictologie, Université de Montréal Professor, Dept. of Psychiatry & Addictions, University of Montreal
“Extra Innings is a well-crafted movie focussed on bringing a message of hope to those afflicted with mental illness. It also helps suicide prevention and foster a conversation about reducing the stigma that surrounds mental illness,” said Roy Abraham Kallivayalil, secretary-general of the World Psychiatric Association, who is behind the screening of the India premiere of the movie at the Pushpagiri Medical College on Tuesday under the auspices of his own Department of Psychiatry. It was Dr Kalivayalil’s friendship with the filmmaker, Albert Dabah, that made the India premiere of this movie possible in Thiruvalla.”
-Professor Roy Abraham Kallivayalil
secretary-general of the World Psychiatric Association
“I watched the film today. It’s a beautiful project. Amazing performances. Such a moving story with important and relevant messages about family, about being true to your passions and ambitions, and so much more...really moving work”
Stephen Soucy
“I quietly sat at home last evening and watched the movie. It is most powerful on so many levels. I know that others will be moved, inspired, saddened and uplifted when they view it. I myself have so many questions, that I can imagine it will generate great and meaningful discussion. We are so honored to have you and your film. It is an extraordinary undertaking to tell such a complicated and heart-wrenching, yet uplifting story. All of the accolades are so well deserved! Yasher Koach on having the outstanding courage and talent to bring you story to film”
Rabbi Randi Musnitsky of Temple Har Shalom
“On behalf of all present last night, I want to thank you again for providing a most thought-provoking and inspiring film and talk-back in preparation for the High Holy Days. We were all so very honored by your presence and moved by the lessons imparted”
-Rabbi Randi Musnitsky of Temple Har Shalom
“Great film and Albert is wonderful. Our audience all raved about the event”
-Heidi Vandiver, NAMI Rockland
Program and Community Outreach Coordinator
“It's sweet. And in its own small way, an epic”
J Todd Harris
Branded Pictures Entertainment
“I think what was most profound from me was to hear the different emotional responses from the audience last night. Every time I’ve watched this movie, I find myself relating more and more to the characters in the film. Last night, I found myself reflecting on the first time my daughter Allie attempted suicide when watching the scene of the parents at the hospital receiving the news of their son passing. I know that I haven’t taken the time to really address this, and I need to. Unfortunately, we do not allow ourselves to feel enough; and Albert, I thank you for this film to give us the safe space to do that”
-Tina Lee
Community Education and Outreach Manager at NAMI NYS
“When someone like you is willing to spill forth your experiences so that others may find encouragement and comfort, I find that beyond amazing.”
-Lindsey Taylor,
National Alliance on Mental Illness-North Carolina
“I was so very impressed with the insight and nuance with which you brought your life ot the big screen. Your story is so very poignant and you tell it with such finesse.”
-Jessica Feldman
“Thank you for the outstanding program that you brought to Hebrew Tabernacle. While we had a broad cross section of the New York Jewish community at the event, both within and outside of Washington Heights, the movie touched touched everyone, regardless of ideological position or denomination. It was a real treat making a presentation to the actress who played your "sister". I truly felt honored sharing the podium with both of you!”
-Rabbi Jeffrey Gale
Hebrew Tabernacle
“It is very well done - a sad, but captivating movie that is a poignant portrayal of the realities of living with mental illness (and the times!)”
-Kristine Reid
NAMI New River Valley
"Great film and Albert is wonderful. Our audience all raved about the event"
-Heidi Vandiver,
“I complimented you on the honesty, quality, and integrity of the movie”
Julie Ridge
Reelabilities Film Festival New York
“A wonderful film stirring many emotions”
Gayle Webb,
Riverside Jewish Film Festival
“You’ve given us a movie not only to think about, but to feel about. And in this world that I spend my life watching movies where they don’t do that, where it’s basically just escapism, you’ve made a movie that’s entertaining--because this movie is, there’s a lot of scenes in it that are just hilarious in terms of the family dynamic, while everything else happens--but you have, Albert given us a movie that matters. So I congratulate you for it.”
“You’ve given us a movie not only to think about, but to feel about. And in this world that I spend my life watching movies where they don’t do that, where it’s basically just escapism, you’ve given us a movie that matters.”
Peter Travers
Critic at Rolling Stone Magazine
You can’t really see this movie and be somebody who has no passionate response to it. That’s the great thing about it, I see a lot of movies where they are Hollywood formula and the movie’s over and you say to your friends or your wife or husband: ‘where do we go eat?’ Here, you want to talk about this.”
Peter Travers,
Rolling Stone
“Thank you for coming and sharing your powerful story with our community. Many people came up to me after the program and let me know how important it was to have you come and share your story.”
Renee Strausberg
Program Director of Congregation Tiferet Bet Israel
“That’s what this movie does: People can’t see it without wanting to talk to somebody about it afterwards, you want to deal with those feelings and yet, there’s something hopeful about Extra Innings, that’s why I love the title.”
Peter Travers,
Rolling Stone
“Very well done! Quite emotional! Found myself crying for all that you endured. The pain of living with loved ones with mental illness. The void in the heart of you as a boy with a dream with no one to share it with. Desperately holding on to love and validation and losing it with the death of the 2 people who cared about you the most.... Your brother and your sister. The ending showed some hope and growth for your dad, and for you. I’m starting to understand your relationships better now. We can discuss that. The music fit in so well. It added to the mood of the film. The cast and the acting was right on target. And you were great in the part of your dad.
Your subject matter is very important because it’s rarely expressed and I’m sure it was cathartic for you personally and for others who have had similar experiences.
I hope that in your life’s journey , you can continue to grow both finding and expressing your voice with assertiveness and confidence in this beautiful art form.
It’s time to move on.... the future has a lot in store for you! Keep up the good work!
May you be blessed with love! That is what your film spoke about most. How we all need to be loved and validated.”
Renee Strausberg
Program Director of Congregation Tiferet Bet Israel
“What a powerful film. So deeply personal. Beautifully done. Every element was excellent. A real tribute to your whole family”
-Michael Daly